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Главная » 2011 » Февраль » 12

Release Date: April 12 2011

Atmosphere returns with their 7th official studio album and the newest addition to their unparalleled body of work. The Family Sign comes from a place well refined and firmly planted, from a universal perspective. It’s about being okay with losing friends and strengthening your bonds with others, celebrating the person who’s been the most positive in your life, your kids, your homies, leaving the people you need to behind, and bringing the ones you love with you. It’s about your family, your time and the time you have with them. It’s about living and dying. It’s the truth about family, that it comes from loyalty as much as biology. It’s about breaking down your perceptions of family and really appreciating the people who’ve made you who you are and continue doing so.

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Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 311 | Добавил: Admin | Дата: 12.02.2011 | Комментарии (0)

Категория: Видео | Просмотров: 272 | Добавил: Admin | Дата: 12.02.2011 | Комментарии (0)

Travis performed the single (minus Weezy or Ross) for his Give The Drummer Some LP (out March 15th) last night on Kimmel.

Категория: Видео | Просмотров: 342 | Добавил: Admin | Дата: 12.02.2011 | Комментарии (0)

Тематическое видео с одноименного альбома

Категория: Видео | Просмотров: 302 | Добавил: Admin | Дата: 12.02.2011 | Комментарии (0)

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